Typical style, Steady capabilityConcentrating tender lighting, simple profile
With DIMMER switch
With ULCUL certification
Fixture has two louvered vents and accommodates halogen orincandescent bulbs with standard medium base. Canister isconstructed of drawn steel. 3.5 feet diameter is required . Fixtureis installed from top of panel and attached with three screwsthrough adjustable plastic mounting ring , positioned on canisterper customer speciticstions (consider overall crown height, panelthickness, etc.). The wire exit side of the canister and aresecured by strain-relief bushings. Each fixture can be wired in aseries of u to six lights with wire length specified by customer.Select controls section. Please contact the factory assistance withcustom designs.
Specifications as follows:
1.Size of canister:φ82inch×80inch |
American and European furniture lights , Cabinets lights , Canister lights